Sunday, January 23, 2005

Of working and the void of time it creates

Thats right, I've finally returned to blog. Im going to end the trend one day of 90% of blog entries starting with the words "Wow, I havent blogged in a while" or similar. Might do it next time I blog.
As any poor uni student does during his holidays, Ive been working. And how. Working as much as possible to get as much as possible so I'm not as poor as possible after I've moved out this year. It's a terrible cycle where you get work, then you get money, but have no time to spend it. So you don't work, spend money and suddenly have no money to spend in your free time.

Also my other projects have suffered a fair bit. But I've spent the weekend getting them back on track. My other computer I am creating is almost ready to be put together, I just need a case for it now. I decided to buy a case last so it uses current trends. Or something. Ill probably just go for a black case with a big power button.
My Java game, Lola (tentative title), is up to the GUI stage, and I'm currently waiting on some advise from devshed as to how exactly to start it. I want to create it so it can be upgraded later as easily as possible, once I have the GUI working, I can start doing some freaky stuff with the game engine I have created. I've been musing and realised that with some slight altercations, I can create multi level dungeons that interact with each other. This game is never going to be finished, because I'm just going to keep adding to it.

My other computer related project, my website is now dead, it will be revived when I get this GUI for Lola under the belt. I have some big plans for that site too, hopefully I can get it on its own url soon.

I have a week off work now, so hopefully I can find a house to move into, finish this computer, get another computer i have working (its stopped for no good reason), and get a start on the website. Ive already moved my room around (about the 5th major move in 3 months) so its good for work.

Java game, computer creation and website building. I'm a nerd.

But I love it.