Monday, May 21, 2007

Of looking backward

I was thinking to myself the other day "I'd really like to start a blog". So, with my Google account, I came to blogger, and started looking at possible urls for my brand new blog. Then I remembered that I already had a blog, and after almost locking myself out because I couldn't remember my password (and no longer have access to the email account I used when creating it) I have finally started my good old new blog.

Reading my past posts, which I forgot even writing, I relised a few things. Things change alot in 2 years, and things don't change at all. I am still a nerd, moved to Linux now. I am still programming in PHP and Java, which have been my languages of choice (RAD all the way!), however, I now have a girlfriend, a part time job, a casual job. I am still at Uni, but finish my Bachelor of Applied Computing (Mathematics) in a month, then time for honors. However, I don't get stressed at my sometimes lacking ability to study anymore, because I know its a cycle and I'll get the motivation when I need it.

However, this post marks a change in direction for this blog (not shocking considering it has been two years since I posted, ironic if you look at the last couple of posts), this blog is now less about me personally, and more about what I know and what I think. My ideas, my thoughts and links to things I think are interesting. I'll start with lifehacker which is an invaluable source to learning how to be more productive, and generally, live better. I swear by it, and so should you.

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