Thursday, June 17, 2004

A day to remember, as said in IRC

{moges} Today I had an exam at 9.20am
{moges} in ballarat, which is a 45minute drive away
{deadartist} uh huh
{Jim} think you did well?
{moges} i woke up at 7am, giving me heaps of time, but then i went back to sleep, thinking to myself "my exam isnt until 9.20, ill be right"
{moges} then i relised that i had to drive 45mins first to get to the exam
{moges} so i sprung out of bed, about 8am i relised this
{moges} i ended up leaving about 8.40
{deadartist} shit
{moges} i got in to the carpark next to the exam RIGHT on 9.20
{moges} except there were no parks
{Jim} lucky
{moges} so i had to go to the other carpark, find a park, then run to the exam hall
{moges} ran back coz i forgot my pen and then ran back to the exam
{deadartist} bloody hell
{moges} got in the exam, signed in... "SHIT! i forgot to turn off my lights"
{deadartist} lol!
{Jim} lol
{moges} finished an exam with 32 questions and a 600word essay in 30minutes, ran to my car
{moges} but i was too late
{deadartist} lol, i told you that thing was a bomb
{moges} with no-one else around, coz they were all still in the exam i rang the RACV
{moges} who took 40mins to get there
{moges} so i decided to go get soemthing to eat and get some money out of the bank
{moges} i took out $100, but it only gave me $50
{moges} and there was no number to ring, and the uni doesnt take responsiblity for it
{moges} so now i have to chase that up
{moges} nd then i got back to my car, waited and eventually the guy came
{moges} he jumpstarted my car, and then toldme to switch it off
* deadartist gives mogal a big hug
{moges} seems the my transmission fluid was leaking
{moges} so he tells me to wait as a pickup truck was on its way
{moges} so i waited another 40mns for that to arrive
* Chimpboy experiences schadenfreude.
* Seb has joined #w1khyjinx
* iZ|afk sets mode: +v Seb
{deadartist} some days everything conspires to fuck you over huh?
{deadartist} hey seb
{Seb} hey DA:D
{Bud} moges!
{Jim} hi seb
{Jim} hi chimp
{Seb} hey Jim :D
{moges} it took me acrrosstown to a mechanic who fixed it after 2 hours
{deadartist} that's not nice chimp
{Bud} hello chimpboy and seb
{moges} BUD!
{Seb} hey bud
{moges} SEB!
{Seb} MOGES!
{moges} so i got home, and went straight to bowling with friends
* jayce|bbl is now known as jayce
{moges} bowled a 134, 71 178 :P
{jayce} MOGES!!!
{deadartist} wb jayce
{jayce} ty
{deadartist} 178, not bad
{Jim} wb jayce
{jayce} tyx2
{moges} and then i got home, had tea and went bowling with my dad and lost against him, so ill never live that down
{moges} and now im here
{moges} JAYCE!
* moges bows
{jayce} {3
{jayce} I would wuzzle you, but moon would probably get jealous
* jayce glomps instead
{moges} hawt
{deadartist} sounds like a bugger of a day
* moges glomps back
{moges} yea
{deadartist} glad you made it here at last though
* jayce scrolls
{moges} yea
{moges} i finished my exam at 10am, didnt get home until 3pm
{deadartist} :(
{deadartist} bastard world
{Jim} it is
{moges} yea, the world is a bitch
{jayce} whoa moges
* jayce hugs
* moges hugs back
{jayce} thats what I call a bad day

Wednesday, June 09, 2004

Of doing nothing

A week of doing nothing.
Jelous? Envious? Possible enraged to the point of contemplating homicide?

Dont be.
I have recently found out, that with nothing to do, my brain suddenly drops to a much lower capacity then normal. I got up today at 10.30am, which is a little early I admit. I then spent the next 9 hours straight on the internet.
"Geez you must of downloaded something good in that time"
- Er, no, not really

"Geez, you must of read alot of interesting news pieces about current affairs and the world of tomorrow?"
- Wrong again

"Geez, you must of spent it in chat and at KoL"

So more then achieving nothing today, by playing KoL, I think I'm worse off then if I had of stayed in bed and slept through the day.

To explain exactly how I achieve nothing in a day, its important to find out how my room is set up.
I have my bed in the middle of the room. Next to that is my chair. If it werent for food and sleep, 90% of my time would spent on those two items.
As well as that, I have a wireless keyboard and mouse, so i can laze back and not have to worry about cords. I can turn on my computer and my tv, while sitting in this chair. I can turn them both off and goto bed with only two finger presses and a single step.

And as such, nothing is acheived, if nothing is there to motivate me. And today, and for this week, nothing will be there to motivate me.

"Geez moges, you have exams next week, shouldnt you be studying?"
-Shut up, only my friends are aloud to call me moges... but to answer your question, I found out yesterday that my exams are all scattered thoughout 2 weeks. And there are only 4 exams, and that is all there is. Meaning, I have at LEAST one full day to study subjects that I already know back-to-front. Hence my current situation where I have time, but nothing to do.

And so I blog...

Saturday, June 05, 2004

Double Post BONUS!!!!!!!!1

My first double post, and because of that, I have a special suprise:

ok, itll come later, once i get this media thingy working

-Mogal OUT~!

Something totally random

Today marks the end of my working for uni, ive just got exams, and then im done!!!!!!
WOOT!!!!!!!!!! Its all done!!!!!!!!!!!!

Anyway, i have a full week off now, so im going to indulge in my passion for doing nothing. That and eating.

AND i got a new phone, if you dont know the number, but would like to know, email me, and ill tell you what it is if i like you, otherwise ill give you the number for 911

Koma's blog-